Publisher : John Courtenay
Price : $79
Course Language : English
To be an IT professional with some experience of working within a helpdesk environment
Over this course, we'll be going over how to protect your organisation's computer network from any internal and external cyber security threats, whether this be from a technological or a human point of view. In some cases, these threats are a combination of both, meaning that it is especially important to be vigilant when planning how to implement cyber security policies within your organisation's computer network.
Topics on the course:
- Preventing phishing and vishing (telephone) scams, including what to watch out for when identifying them
- Checking common mistakes with cyber security settings on devices that are in use on your organisation's network.
- Cyber security testing and the associated legal considerations that these tests have on both on your organisation and on security staff personally.
- Non-standard devices and preventing offline (face-to-face) social engineering, which can often be hard to detect, especially if it comes from someone you know.
- Password policies and preventing credential sharing between end users at your organisation.
- Alternative authentication, such as biometrics, system cyber security patching and centralised reporting.